Friday 23 December 2011

Last minute Christmas treats/gifts - Chocolate Coins

A quick treat to share with friends and family this Christmas.

It's the easiest nibble to whip up for any unexpected guests or as a last minute (cheap) present.

This is so simple that it requires no recipe and no amounts... but here is the method, such as it is.

Simply melt some chocolate (preferably 2 different colours to achieve a ripple effect). Use the best that you can afford. Allow it to cool slightly.

Then take a desert spoonful and drop this onto baking parchment. Allow it to spread out slightly into an even circle (2 bars of chocolate made around 20 coins). Now it's ready for you to add whatever flavour combinations you fancy.

I added a tiny dusting of cinnamon and salt and some chopped dried cranberries. Just make sure that you work fairly quickly as you need to add the flavours while it's still soft.

Then just place them in the fridge for 30 minutes. Once they're set carefully peel them off the paper and they are ready to eat!

Happy Christmas and a very yummy New Year!